2022 Visit to Auspol Timber
We had 23 members come along on what was very stormy day to visit Auspol Timber Supplies in Neerabup, where Sue and Frank had invited us to visit their warehouse and workshop to get a better understanding of what they had in stock and could supply, and what a wonderland it was for any woodworker.
No sooner had we arrived than Sue was working the coffee machine into a frenzy to make sure that everyone had a cup of tea or coffee.

They had timber logs, cut, and stacked from floor to ceiling and a wide variety of species.
Auspol have been importing timber for more than 20 years and source their supplies from Europe and the USA, so what we were looking at was stocks of American Walnut, Cherry, Rock Maple, White Oak, together with European Beech, Black Oak, Cherry, French Oak, and Walnut.
Frank took us around the warehouse answering our questions and showing us the characteristics of the different timbers and then into their workshops where they produce a premium range of timber flooring with door frames, skirtings, and timber sections all to match if required.

We were all impressed by the quantity and quality of timber they carry in stock, and many of us could not resist buying some of the smaller sections to see what we could produce.
You should check out their website for more details and information: https://www.auspoltimber.com.au/