New Venue Commissioning

What an amazing venue in which to hold our future meetings!
As this was our first look at the new facilities we planned for this to be a more social gathering and organised a sausage sizzle outside where Kevin was very busy cooking up a storm. It was good for everyone to gather and chat at the same time, getting used to the space we now had available.
Carolyn called us to order and take our seats inside where she welcomed us all to our new meeting room.

She then introduced David Milton from Melville Woodturners who explained that they had been given access to the workshop area to set up their machines and make sure the layout was functional. He explained that we had been given permission to trial one of our meetings to commission the area and give feedback on the facility and how we might best use it in the future. David identified all the emergency exits, fire extinguishers and where the first aid kit should be located, together with our muster point should we have to evacuate the building. He then opened the dividing wall into their workshop, so that we could all appreciate what the whole building looked like and how much space could be available for special exhibitions and the like in the future.
It is now up to all of us, as members of the FWWA, to find ways in which we can make the best use of this amazing venue.
Carolyn talked about ideas that the committee had proposed, such as holding regular demonstrations for a couple of hours on a Sunday morning, followed by a social tea and coffee where you could ask about any problems you were having with your projects. These workshops could demonstrate such things as different finishes, stringing, veneering, inlay or sharpening part II or anything else you felt would add to your expertise.
We really need all of you, to tell us what you think would benefit your work or what you would like to see?
As a last-minute presenter, Martin had said he would talk about the workshops he had just visited and bring his current work along to show us. Unfortunately, we were just that bit too soon, the audio-visual systems were not up and running so he could not show us any of the pictures he had taken. He did recommend that if we ever had the opportunity we should visit Blackwell House – “The Arts and Crafts House” overlooking Lake Windermere in the UK. The extent of furniture and decoration that was designed during this period continues to provide inspiration for woodworker’s generations later.
You can find out more here:

Martin then told us that he was using more of the engineered veneer in his current project, a shelf unit designed to hold the various Japanese boxes he had made and had found it successful.

He also showed us how the light reflected differently on veneers that had been laid to run in different directions. The change in colour and reflection was remarkable depending on which way you held it. something we could all try in our next project. Martin had also showed us the different handles and decorative brass strip that he had sourced, to suit the doors and shelves of his current project. Below are links to the suppliers.
Brass Filigree Strip:
Chinese Handles:
Once again, thanks Martin for stepping in at the last minute and talking about something that leaves us all wanting to know more!
Mark Pearson announced that, following our fantastic site visit to ForestOne last month, he had been asked by several members who had not been able to attend if could he organise another visit. Anyone that is still interested in visiting ForestOne, the major plywood supplier in WA, just let me know and I will pass your names onto Mark who will contact you to organise another date in the coming weeks.
All our members should also be aware the FWWA now has its own “cash sale only” account with ForestOne so that we may all benefit from their trade prices. Orders can be placed through Mark, the email address to use is or let me know and I can pass the information on.
Carolyn then reminded everyone that the OOTW competition was rapidly approaching and that we should all be well on our way with whatever we were going to enter one of the categories! This years Members Only Competition is a bread/cheese board. The guidelines are that it should be made of at least two different timbers and measure no more than 600mm in any direction.

Ian Houghton and Len Starkie are working flat out to produce unique awards which will be presented to the winners of each category. Ian brought along a sample to show us what a collector’s item these awards are going to be. Getting your hands on one, could be quite a challenge!
The “Out of the Woods Exhibition and Competition” is being presented in conjunction with “Whittle and What Not” to be held at the ECU Joondalup Sports Centre on September 23rd and 24th. More information is on our website and a notice reminding you will be sent out nearer the date.
Everyone managed to get a sausage or two and even though it was intended as a social evening to commission the new meeting room I am sure everyone had a good time.